
Built for your organization

We enable developers to quickly build data encryption (your data and your keys are managed by you) across multiple programming languages without requiring prior encryption knowledge or expertise. As new cryptography and encryption innovations emerge, we adopt them into our platform.

Client libraries

We offer fully interoperable client libraries for all major programming languages, enabling interaction with our API layer.

API layer

Our extensible API interfaces with our client libraries and enables interaction with our encryption platform.

Encryption platform

We eliminate the complexity of cryptography and encryption through an elegantly simple dashboard and key syndication service.



Multi Platform

Seamlessly integrate with any platform, ensuring flexibility and adaptability. True system-agnostic design guarantees universal compatibility.

Cloud System

Easily connect and synchronize with leading cloud platforms, maximizing efficiency. Streamlined cloud integration promotes scalability and agility.

Great Visibility

Gain clear insights with transparent real-time monitoring. Enhanced visibility ensures informed decision-making and proactive response.

A+ Certified

Easily adapt to growing demands with flexible infrastructure. Ensure consistent performance regardless of size or volume.

High Security

Prioritize robust defenses against evolving threats. Safeguard sensitive data and ensure system integrity at all times.

Cheap Budget

Maximize efficiency without breaking the bank. Achieve desired outcomes within a cost-effective framework.