
About Us

Security Insights, Resources & Encryption

Founded in 2021, Grapheene is a team of free thinkers that want to bring integrity and trust back to data and privacy

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The Power of Grapheene

Grapheene Has Been Used In More Than 500+ Companies

Our Vision

We truly believe that privacy is and should be a fundamental human right.

We have committed ourselves to empower individuals to control and protect their data. We want developers to build systems that are focused on data protection.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build tools and services that allow customers to control and protect their data.

We are focused on empowering users to control their data. We are a digital product company that puts customers’ privacy at the forefront of our culture. Our goal is to empower customers to control and protect their data. We are committed to building tools and services with complete privacy utilizing encryption.

The power to protect your Enviroment


We want to discover, learn and imagine the new wave of technology.


Grit, passion and humility define who we are. We build products that are market sensible, convenient and easy to use


We imagine, we dream, we build, we innovate and become a partner in being world changers.


We invest in our teams and our communities. We want to be a change agent, not just for each other, but for the betterment of society and future generations.


We challenge ideas and each other to be and do better. We believe being different is a good thing!

Digital Defense

Driven by an unwavering passion for cyber protection, we're committed to fortifying digital realms against evolving threats. Every byte safeguarded fuels our dedication to a safer online world.